How I Stencil a Parking Lot

I have an unwritten rule when I re stencil a parking lot… You can always go bigger but be careful going smaller. In other words… If I have a job that has a 12″ STOP Stencil = a single, (1) piece stencil that spells; STOP using letters that are...

The “Long Rope”.

americanstriping-blog Go to the “Extension Cord” aisle at your favorite hardware store. Pick up one of those “orange discs” that you use to keep an extension cord on. Next…head over to the “Rope Aisle”. Ask someone to reel about 160′ of Yellow, Poly, Boat Rope on to...
Snapping a Chalk Line

Snapping a Chalk Line

Parking Lot Striping; When I’m asked; How do you stripe straight”?…my favorite (2) answers are: Satellite and Pure Unadulterated Talent. ( Those are both meant to garner a smile. ) The answer is; no one can. You cannot walk straight, neither can I....